Crime-Life Series
About the Series
Our company's flagship series; Crime-Life is a provacative new entry by author "Risky Business" that explores the depths of the criminal underworld.
With the belief that knowledge shouldn’t be wasted, hoarded, or kept hidden to benefit a select few, the Crime-Life® series was developed with the intention of helping the average individual better understand the underlying principles and intricacies behind the commision of various criminal acts.
Written through the eyes of a former criminal, the Crime-Life® series of books dispells many of the myths and the over-romanticized portrayals that movies & television shows have given this lifestyle
over the years; and in turn provides a practical approach at understanding and potentially succeeding-in various criminal activities.
The Crime-Life® series goes beyond that of traditional books, by giving the reader Dos & Don’ts, detailed cost
analysis, realistic profit expectations, risk analysis, best operating practices, and much much more.
For Entertainment Purposes Only.
Coming Soon